If Your Site Title is reading “Template Site” or “AACA Region” or maybe you would just like to customize your Site Title, here are the steps to change this.
- Go to the Dashboard area on the back end of your site and click on “SEO” down near the bottom of the left hand menu
- When that page loads, click on Tools
- After the Tools page loads click on Bulk Editor
- In the Bulk Editor Page you can change one or many page titles on your site. Some will be Blank in the list titled “Existing YOAST SEO Title” which means the tab title will be reflected by the page title. You can choose to leave this or add a specific title for each page. If there is a Title in the list you do not like then you can add a new one in the list “New YOAST SEO Title” section. After making any changes you can click save to “Save” that individual one or “Save All” to reflect all changes made on the page.